Going beyond awareness on migrant exploitation in Italian  agriculture: Why the system works the way it does

This study aims at providing a comprehensive insight on the reality surrounding and framing the restructuring of agricultural production in southern Italy as a way of showing that on-going dynamics are the outcome of deliberate policy and strategic choices at different levels of the agro-food value chains. Our aim is to analyse the broader framework in which migrants’ and workers’ rights are violated by going beyond the focus on the abuse migrant workers endure in southern Italy and on the merely repressive actions implemented by the EU and member states to counter the latter. The aim is to investigate the multiple pressures on the agriculture system caused by the restructuring of agri-food chains, growing regulation, and the factors pushing farmers to recruit migrant workers irregularly, thus profiting from their vulnerable condition.


Duration: 15 May 2018-15 January 2019

Project coordinated together with Dr Michele Nori (EUI) and Dr Alessandra Corrado (University of Catania). Participating researchers: Dr Letizia Palumbo (EUI), Dr. Francesco Saverio Caruso (University of Catania), Dr. Martina Lo Cascio (University of Catania).